Vice President Internal

Justin Paquin, United

What would you like to achieve?

I think the community event on campus could really use a boost, specifically concerts. In 2009 Lupe Fiasco came here, and that was a really good time. The one problem was there were a few logistical errors . . . but I think with some planning ahead of time . . . if we could have a large community event like that, it could really bring the community together.

What experience do you bring to the position?

I’m a marketing major at the Asper School of Business. Outside the university, my experience lies with Paquin Entertainment, which is a national entertainment company that works with artists such as Randy Bachman from the Guess Who, K’Naan, Del Barber, and Tegan and Sarah. What I’ve done within that company is create budgets for road touring and merchandising. Some of those budgets are around $200,000, and it’s myself that has prepared those.

The new student pub has obviously been a fixture on the minds of students for the past year and a half. If elected, how would you like to see it run? Do you have any plans you’d like to see implemented?

My view is to manage the managers . . . These managers are going to be doing the day-to-day work with The Hub. We really need to trust their advice and their imput.

I do know that once it opens, there are going to be some really neat and interesting things that can be done. I hope there will be weekly or bi-weekly events at The Hub. I also hope to encourage student groups to book out The Hub for their own private events.

Aside from the pub, how would you improve upon how other UMSU businesses are run?

My understanding is most of them do a pretty good job right now. Ways to expand upon them . . . would be to have more private events. I know Degrees is sometimes booked in the evening for certain charity events.

Do you have any ideas for new business ventures?

Improving upon the used bookstore is something that could be done . . . If we really get to those first year students and advertise that the used bookstore is there, those students could get more benefit to it.