Search Results for node

The devil’s tumour

Looney Tunes fans are probably familiar with Tasmanian devils. The rare and particularly feisty marsupial found exclusively on Tasmania, a small island-state located just south…


It has been a while since I have seen my uncle. I’m hesitant to contact him because I feel less respectable, less worthy of his…

Worm cancer

In 2013, a Colombian man died of cancer – what makes this particular case unusual was that the cancer wasn’t his, but that of a…

Putting the eSports dispute to rest

Games are not art. Games are not sports. Games are games. They’re their own thing, and all this arguing over what else they might be betrays a secret anxiety as to whether they’re a pursuit worth spending time on. Private inferiority complexes don’t make a good foundation for aesthetic debates.

A new development in HIV treatment

Researchers have developed an antibody-like molecule which may help in the fight against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The molecule, named eCD4-Ig, was designed to…

Local [Demo]Graphic

Founded in Winnipeg, Synonym Art Consultation aims to make art more accessible to the general public. Their latest attempt is an exhibition entitled [Demo]Graphic, installed…

Three zeros

In light of a recent UNAIDS report indicating drops of up to 50 per cent in new HIV infections in some of the most severely…