Senate approves faculty of science progression rule changes

At its Jan. 6 meeting, the U of M senate approved changes to the rules for students in the faculty of science around academic warnings, probation and suspensions. The changes come into effect Sept. 1, 2021. Currently, the rules are that students who achieve an “F” grade in 36 credit hours of instruction are placed on academic suspension for one year. 

After that year, students can apply to return to their studies with the options of either starting fresh on their degrees or continuing on with no allowance for further “F” grades.

Under new rules, students who have completed 12 to 23 credit hours with a GPA below 2.0 will receive an “academic warning.” Students with a GPA below 2.0 and more than 24 credit hours will be placed on probation, and if they do not achieve a term GPA of 2.0 or above in the following two academic terms will be placed on suspension for five years.