Why do I have this degree again?

For some students, university can cumulates in the daunting task of deciding upon a career direction after they’ve completed their degree.

To help alleviate some of the stress associated with choosing a career path, the University of Manitoba career services centre is hosting the Learning to Earning 2012 event for University of Manitoba students and alumni during the week of March 5-8.

Elizabeth Boyle, career advisor at the U of M, said the biggest issue for students when deciding a career path is lack of help or insight in knowing about themselves and the career options that are available to suit them.

“You won’t choose an occupation you’ve never heard of and that’s what we’re here to help with,” she said.

The Learning to Earning event has six sessions which vary according to which stage you are at in your career decision making.

Previously the series of events was called DisOrientation. With the new name the career services are hoping to attract more people to the advantage themselves of services that have been around for almost 25 years.

Some changes have also been made to traditional sessions, including a new session added this year that is being held by Student Life, called How to Stand Out, all about how to accumulate experience on the U of M campus.

Steph Bilan, a University 1 student, said, “I went to the career services because they came into my psychology class saying that if you don’t know what you want to do then they can help you out with a workshop and then you can meet with somebody to talk to them about career services one on one after the workshop.”

Bilan is not the first to take advantage of these sessions; many students do.

“We do have a formal feedback mechanism and we also have informal mechanisms where students come back often,” Boyle stated.

“We’re happy to see people move perhaps from undecided U1 student, to perhaps a graduated and employed person who has successfully pursued their passion.”

She stressed that her office is available all year, except when the university itself is closed, and is happy to help — not just for the Learning to Earning event, but at any time that a student needs assistance. There are mentor programs available to talk to people within the field of occupation a student may be looking at.

During the event students are able to enter to win three prizes consisting of a $1,000 tuition draw, an iPad or tickets to see the Jets on March 14th, For those whose future is incentive enough, it is a three day event and all the sessions are free.