Working Together Win 2011 UMSU Election

On Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. campaigning for the 2011 University of Manitoba’s Students’ Union kicked-off, and on March 11 at 6 p.m. the last polling station on campus closed, about eight hours later the last ballot was counted, the results tallied and a new UMSU slate was chosen to represent students: Working Together.

With a combined total preliminary vote count 53 per cent, the members of Working Together won the 2011 UMSU election.

Working Together is comprised of Julie Rempel the vice-president (external), Justin Quigley the vice-president (internal), Nour Rashid the vice-president (advocacy), and is helmed by Camilla Tapp the president. Incumbent Matt Hepner, the current vice-president student services is also a member of Working To