Human Disposition

Cooing, gurgling and babbling is the young child and old fool — or so I’m told by the adults of this world, who laugh to one another with amused resentment at the ignorance of those who know not the words they know, and think not the things they think.

If only those hysterical adults could see as I plainly do, that the humans who exist on the cusp of life carry with them all the great knowledge found on the other side. What they call babbling I know to be phrases a trillion times more profound than anything the living Shakespeare could muster.

Yet the arrogant human adult refuses to learn the language of the young and old, and instead forces their own language and customs upon those they deem helpless to resist. Pounding away with all their fancy little allusions, metaphors and allegories, they unwittingly muddle the young one’s memories of the other side. And reject the knowledge when it appears again at the end of a life.

And thus is the cause of the human condition.