November 2009

Strange bedfellows

Human civilization is a towering monument to the power of our imagination. Our ability to visualize new things was an important adaptation that allowed our…

Anatomy of a theory

Ever wonder what a theory — such as Darwin’s descent with modification — needs to go through in order to gain widespread acceptance in the…

What’s in an introduction?

If Hollywood is to be believed, scientists are all dermatologically-challenged recluses, who speak their incomprehensible language in nasally tones, with the odd snorting laugh thrown…

Arm wrestling in Winnipeg

To many people, the idea of arm wrestling conjures images of smoke-filled bars, muscular men and beer-fueled rivalry. Though arm wrestling still happens in this…

Leaving the team but not the game

After a remarkable soccer career with the Bisons, Desiree Scott looks back on her last five years on the team with satisfaction and contemplates the…

Working out in the water

Swimming is a form of exercise that is often overlooked. It may not be as high impact as, say, weight training or wind sprints, but…

Grading the Blue Bombers

On Sunday, Nov. 29 the two CFL teams that proved that they had the right stuff to make it to the Grey Cup final will…